Tips to Write Better Sentences

Do you want your message to be understood on the first attempt? Do you wish to receive the desired response from your written words? If yes, every sentence you write must contribute to the overall meaning of your message. A single poor sentence can ruin the effectiveness of your communication.

So, whether you are a writer, a student, or a business professional, you must be familiar with the art of writing great sentences. Crafting compelling lines and integrating them to create an engaging blog post, business proposal, or academic assignment is not as difficult as you perceive.

All you need to do is learn some useful sentence-writing practices and implement them consistently. If you are also one of those willing to master crafting sentences, this guide could prove highly beneficial for you. In this article, we will nourish you with some of the best tips for writing better sentences.

Therefore, if you are eager to enhance your writing skills, make sure you read this article till the end. So, ready to get started? Let’s roll.

Use Active Voice

Although not grammatically wrong, passive voice creates complexities in written work. It is among those sentence structures that make the overall content hard to understand. Therefore, try your best to write each sentence in an active voice.

Sometimes you have to use passive voice sentences, but ensure not to use them excessively. In most cases, active sentence structure proves enough to elaborate on any idea or concept. So, always prefer active voice over passive voice. The sentences with an active voice convey a clear message.  

Avoid Using Jargon

Remember, the strength of a sentence highly depends on the word choice. The right words make a sentence powerful and ready to persuade readers of what you intend. On the other hand, inappropriate words make a sentence dull and less effective.

Therefore, always take care of word choice in your sentences. In this regard, abstain from using difficult words and technical terms in sentences because not all readers have the same vocabulary knowledge. Instead of jargon, use familiar words that everyone knows. 

If your writing is filled with jargon then there is a need to change words in it. While writing content, use layman’s language so that a reader from any background can quickly get your point of view. 

Keep Sentences Clear

The right words are not enough to create engaging and persuasive sentences. Rather, the way you string those words together also matters. Regarding this, be cautious that every sentence you write should possess a clear structure with no ambiguity.

Well, if you somehow fail to maintain clarity in a sentence, you can get assistance from an online sentence checker. This magical tool check sentences in such a way that they become easy to read and comprehensible.

Utilize Strong Verbs

Sometimes, you need to use modifiers with some verbs to strongly highlight an action, state, or occurrence. Well, this is not technically incorrect, but it doesn’t reflect professionalism in writing. This practice contributes nothing more than putting some extra words in your sentences.

Instead of making excessive use of modifiers in sentences, you can use powerful verbs capable of presenting an action vigorously and precisely. Using strong verbs is better than incorporating bland and repetitive verbs that might lower the readers’ focus.

For example, writing “he sprinted to hit the football, is more accurate than writing “he ran quickly to hit the football.”

Write To The Point

Brevity is also another cornerstone of a good sentence. Overfilling sentences with needless information lowers their ability to present a point of view. Moreover, unnecessary details frustrate readers and don’t provide value to them.

That’s why make sure that every sentence you write contains only the information that matters most. Inappropriate storytelling causes content to be filled with excessive and irrelevant details.  So, be careful while building a story, and practice explaining things in as few words.

When you write concise sentences with the right word choice and structure, it maximizes the chances of your written content engagement and convincing readers.

Eliminate Lingual Errors

As a creative writer or a business executive, you might be familiar with the importance of precision in language. Lingual errors make your sentences vague, resulting in weaker communication. Also, they hurt your professional image in front of your readers. 

Therefore, your sentences should be grammatically accurate. While writing content, be sure that you spell each word correctly, and don’t forget to add punctuation where needed. Also, when you end writing, double-check each sentence for grammar mistakes.

Abstain From Redundancy

Whether in words or ideas, redundancy doesn’t make your sentences sound better. Rather, the iteration irritates the readers and makes it difficult for them to go through the content with a keen focus. So, do your best to avoid repetition in your sentences.

For this purpose, use the word only once in a sentence. Also, utilize relevant synonyms to abstain from redundancy. If you need to repeat a word, try to adjust it to a good length from the previous position. This helps you make natural placements for the same words.

However, if your sentences still contain redundancy despite your efforts during writing, make sufficient changes to remove these repetitions in the end.

Use Transitional Words

When writing sentences, focus on creating a natural flow that produces a rhythm in your content. Coherent sentences are more understandable than those with no connection between them. One effective way to bring coherence to sentences is by using transitional words.

These words serve as sentence connectors. They link all the sentences together in such a way that they flow logically. These linking words prove extremely helpful in explaining processes in a step-by-step way. Some examples of transition words include, however, moreover, therefore, and hence.

No matter what type of transition you want to make from sentence to sentence, there is a word for it in the dictionary.

Proofread For Factual Accuracy

Ensuring factual accuracy in sentences is as important as other things. Providing fabricated or incorrect information can lower your credibility. Therefore, make sure that you write only information that is authentic and factually correct.

Avoid writing information that has nothing to do with reality. Instead, include precise data from credible sources like facts, figures, and statistics. Once you finish writing, don’t forget to proofread online to ensure the accuracy of all included data.

When you incorporate reliable and correct insights into your sentences, it signals your intellectual honesty to the readers. As a result, their trust in you gets stronger.

To Sum Up

After going through the abovementioned tips, we hope that you have now mastered writing compelling sentences. You have also become familiar with all the essential things that you need to keep in mind while writing. So, make sure that you implement what you learned from this article whenever you need to write for any purpose.