Academic writing is the type of writing that includes clear and concise information related to a given topic in a properly structured way for the ease of readers. You will see this type of writing in academic submissions and publications.
It is generally written in a formal way. Moreover, it also includes citations from different sources with proper references to make it easier for readers to access the referred sources and validate the included information in research papers and dissertations.
Things can get really difficult for students while doing academic writing. Failure to manage time properly, having no clue about their paper’s intro and logical conclusion and procrastination can be referred to as some issues they face during the process. In such a scenario they look for external aid to get the job done. This is where academic ghostwriting comes into the scene.
It is noted that the argument regarding the legitimacy of academic ghostwriting has augmented significantly in recent years. Some people consider it unethical as well. In this writing, we will try to settle this argument by reviewing the process of academic ghostwriting from different angles and sharing our opinion with our readers. If you are interested in the topic being discussed in this blog, then make sure you read it till the very end to learn more about it.
While it is the responsibility of the students, scholars, or researchers to write academic submissions and publications themselves, it is observed that some people often get aid from other parties for this purpose. For example, they can take the help of their supervisors, tutors, classmates, and seniors who have already worked on similar kinds of topics. Furthermore, some students also get assistance from professional academic writers. They hire professional academic writers to work on their submissions in return for a mutually agreed fee.
The writer who actually works on the academic submission or publication has no right to claim the authorship of the content. Hence, such a writer is called the ghostwriter, and this entire process is called academic ghostwriting. It should be noted that the person who has helped a scholar or student in doing research and writing a submission or publication will be known as a co-author and share the authorship rights. After that students check plagiarism using an online tool to avoid any inconvenience.
Here we will discuss a few pros and cons to help you understand the advantages and downsides of academic ghostwriting. Further details are given below:
There are some pros of academic ghostwriting that you need to understand before judging its legitimacy. Read on to know more.
While there are pros of ghostwriting, you can’t overlook this process’s cons. So here are some cons that you should be aware of.
Now coming to the conclusion of the blog, it is essential to know whether academic ghostwriting is legal or illegal. We can say that there are no legal repercussions in case your academic work is found to be written by a professional academic writer who consented to work as a ghostwriter in return for a mutually agreed fee. However, some people may consider it unethical. With that being said, it is essential to know that it can be regarded as academic dishonesty.
If you are found to be a beneficiary of academic ghostwriting, your supervisor or jury can reject your paper or dissertation. Furthermore, you can face expulsion from the institution as well. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that you have hired the services of a ghostwriter who will not disclose your confidential data to anyone else. You must go through the whole research paper for proper defense against the jury and keep this entire saga a secret to avoid ethical implications.